
👉Here you can find the script of the short film, I hope you like it:


I want to be like him
Written by: Emilio Ibáñez

Cameron: He is a young guy who is in the highschool, he usually get good marks, is very popular in the school and also he has a lot of money due to his father has the control of a huge buisness. He spends his summer in his boat and at the beach. He always wear a hat and luxury clothes.
Oliver: He is also a young guy who is in the same class as Oliver, they are good friends but Oliver is very jealous. He doesn’t study a lot and hardly ever get good marks, he is not poor but he hasn’t got a lot of money because his mother hasn’t got work.

The story starts in the highschool. Today is the day that they will receive their school marks and Oliver is too worried because their results will be very bad. Otherwhise Cameron has passed all the subjects and their parents are very proud of their son and they gifted him a new phone. On the other hand Oliver’s parents are very angry and they are going to punish him.

The last morning of the school year at the highschool.
Cameron: Don’t worry Oliver, summer is very long and you have a lot of time to prepare recovery exams, also i’m sure that your parents will understand you
Oliver: Thank you Cameron but i will be punished all summer, say goodbye to me for the whole summer
Cameron: I will invite you to my summer house, prepare your wallet
Oliver: Stop dreaming , the teacher has said your name
Cameron: Oh that’s true.
Teacher: I’m so proud about your results you have demostrated a daily work and a good endurance to pass all your exams
Cameron: Thank you teacher.
Teacher: Oliver is your turn, come here!
Oliver: They are too bad?
Teacher: No, there worse than bad!!!! You only have passed five subjects, what a mess
Oliver: I am sorry teacher, i promise i will study hard on summer
Teacher: You always says the same. However, have a good summer Oliver. Next….
Cameron: Don’t worry Oliver i can help you to pass maths, i have get a ten.
Oliver: Look your parents come to the high shool. Run maybe they have a sorprise to you.
Parents (Cameron): Cameron how
Cameron: Very well, i have achieve good marks, even four subjects with the highest mark.
Parents (Cameron): That’s my boy!!!! You have studied a lot and every effort has a reward. Open this box.
Cameron: It isn’t necessary….. OHHHHH I can’t beleive it the new iphone. It’s incredible i love you. Look Oliver the new iphone, My parents just gave it to me.
Oliver: OH MY GOT, It one of my dreams. Enjoy it, i will never have one.
Cameron: Don’t say that, you only have to study a little bit
Oliver: I don’t think so, Good bye Cameron. See you soon I will tell my results to my parents.
Cameron: See you loser ( with an ironic tone)
Parents (Oliver): Oliver! What is that? I am very surprised. You have not studied nothing.
Oliver: I am so sorry, that’s true but i will pass it in September.
Parents (Oliver): No this time. We don’t beleive you. You will be punished. If you look at Cameron behave, he has passed everything and he is a good guy.
Oliver: You always comparing Cameron with me. Assume that i am not Cameron!!!! ( Shouting and very very angry)


The story keep going with Oliver, he is very angry with the words that his mother said, he always had to listen that if you were like Cameron, if you were like Cameron….
Oliver start to cry and to shout i wish to be like him, like Cameron!!!! And that wish came true!
Next morning, he got up and he discovered that he was Cameron but with the brain of Oliver.
Firstly, he was very very happy, although he discovered the emotive secret of Cameron. And he regrets all what he have desired.

The second part starts in Oliver’s bedroom, he is so sad about what their parents have said….

Oliver: (thinking and talking with hisself) I don’t understand my parents, they always comparing with him, we are not rich, he has a easy life, without worries, only he has to study, even he has an assistant that do his bed. They would never have given me a phone because of my marks.

Oliver: They will never understand me. I am a problem for them
Oliver: I wish i could be Cameron, i wish, i wish!!! A lot of money with no problems.
I wish I wish!!!!!

That wish was granted, and Oliver got up the next morning in Cameron’s body.

Oliver (like Cameron): OH MY WISH WAS GRANTED!. I am Cameron, look at these, my new iphone, my boat, my snikers, my hat, my chalet, my nice parents, that is incredible ( is very exited)

Oliver ( like Cameron): He spent the day sailing and happy with their new things, doesn’t worried with studies. Suddenly, he receive a message.
Father message: “ Prepare your things we have to go the hospital, you have your medical check this afternoon”

In that moment Oliver finally understand why Cameron never take off their hat, he went to the mirror and take off their hat, he was bald without hair, because he was sick, in that moment Oliver understand why their parents was like that and understand that his life isn’t esay at all. Cameron had cancer and his life's expectations are not very high.

This final will be without words and i have the intention that people keep looking the screen and thinking about the story. The moral of the short film is to try to explain that you never have to give prejudices to someone that you don’t know well.


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